最優秀賞 髙月真咲 Possibilities for general medical care functions in medical malls 就実大学
優秀賞 江本彩姫 The Possibility of Foreign Labor in Medical Institutions and the Gap Between Patients and Patients 就実大学
優秀賞 金澤英士、山岡由希、永田世奈、辻井彩乃 Creation of a forecasting model for the foreign care workforce in 2040 姫路獨協大学
特別賞 野村優輝、中村哲士、吉岡壮真 Creation of a Smoking Cessation Education Video for Periodontal Disease Prevention – Considering the Impact of Smoking on Dental Healthcare Costs – 東京医療保健大学
奨励賞 丸山華央 The need for patients to choose doctors and nurses and issues 就実大学
奨励賞 金輪亮汰、森琉維、宮田大空 Analysis of the Attributes of Schizophrenia Patients 姫路獨協大学
奨励賞 前田馬杜、山野冬弥、宮地凜、岸波 優妃 Characteristics of re-hospitalized patients with depression 姫路獨協大学
奨励賞 平松大知、高原遼、大政汐里、山崎陽大 The relationship between schizophrenia smoking and annual medical costs 姫路獨協大学